Yamamoto ArginineMICRO Powder MCU-20® 300g
ArginineMICRO Powder MCU-20® is a dietary supplement that provides 2000 mg of arginine per daily dose. The active components in this supplement play crucial physiological roles, especially in cases of low dietary intake or heightened need, such as during increased physical activity.
However, the efficacy of these components can sometimes be hindered by factors like low solubility, stability, or bioavailability. The patented MCU-20® microencapsulation system is designed to enhance solubility and absorption, ensuring a more efficient release of active ingredients. This optimized release increases their capacity to interact with the body. The active ingredients are encapsulated within vesicles ranging from 1 to 10 µm in size. A single dose can contain millions of microcapsules, each capable of releasing the active ingredients in the body.
Microencapsulation Defined: Microencapsulation, already prevalent in the realms of food and pharmaceuticals, has marked a significant breakthrough, overcoming limitations that previously impacted the bioavailability of many molecules in the realm of food supplementation. The MCU-20® microencapsulation process represents an innovative technology maximizing the transport and absorption of nutritional elements. This ensures their arrival in optimal condition, maximizing their bioavailability for heightened effectiveness.
MCU-20® Technology Composition: The MCU-20® microencapsulation technique involves rapidly drying the raw material without altering its physicochemical properties. Subsequently, it is fragmented into extremely small microgranules and then encapsulated within thin films of a microencapsulating agent. This not only shields and isolates the raw material but also helps to mitigate any undesirable odors. MCU-20® has ushered amino acids, known for low solubility and stability in water, into a new era. Their effectiveness is elevated as they can be made quickly and completely soluble without precipitates, resulting in significantly improved absorption.
This technology has proven instrumental in overcoming the oral absorption limitations faced by various raw materials common in sports supplementation, including creatine, L-carnitine, or arginine. MCU-20® technology facilitates the effectiveness of these traditionally considered “poorly absorbed” elements, surpassing environmental and enzymatic limits. It provides a protective transport carrier for small microparticles, ensuring a unique bioavailability.
Assured Absorption: The MCU-20® microencapsulation technology effectively guarantees the 100% absorption of the active ingredients involved. This is particularly crucial as often active ingredients such as amino acids and derivatives are only partially absorbed. MCU-20® ensures optimal absorption, addressing issues like the degradation of Glutamine and the loss of Arginine in gastric juices. It offers a substantial improvement over standard absorption rates, providing a higher assimilation of active ingredients.
Quality Assurance: Yamamoto® Nutrition prioritizes certified and accredited raw materials for the MICRO MCU-20® line, choosing British production from Cambridge Commodities. These raw materials are Grade A certified for the BRC Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 8, produced in Informed-Sport registered facilities, and adhere to ISO 9001: 2008, ISO 14001, and ISO 22000 for quality management, HACCP, and environmental management. Rigorous quality tests are conducted on the raw material upon its arrival in Italy. The lots are sampled and tested before proceeding to the production of the finished product in Italian facilities, adhering to regulations and conducting additional analyses for gluten and lactose intolerances.
Arginine and MCU-20® Technology: Arginine, classified as a “conditionally essential” amino acid, is abundantly found in protein foods. While it is nutritionally essential for newborns and early life stages, as adults, it is easily integrated into the diet but continues to play vital roles in eliminating toxins, healing wounds, supporting the immune system, and combating aging. The MCU-20® technology addresses the historical limitations of oral Arginine supplementation by significantly enhancing its bioavailability. It ensures protection during transport to absorption sites, maximizing its effects on nitric oxide stimulation.
In summary, Yamamoto® MCU-20® products offer not only quality but also assured assimilation. The MCU-20® technology enhances absorption, providing a superior assimilation of active ingredients compared to traditional products.
Nutritional information
Informazioni nutrizionali |
Per dose giornaliera (2,5 g) |
L-arginina (Cambridge Assured™)
2 g |
Ingredienti: L-arginina Cambridge Assured™ (contiene addensante: polisorbato), agente antiagglomerante: biossido di silicio.
Modalità d’uso: aggiungere 2,5 g di prodotto (1 misurino) in 300 ml d’acqua e assumere una volta al giorno.
non superare la dose giornaliera raccomandata. Gli integratori non vanno intesi come sostituti di una dieta variata. Una dieta variata ed equilibrata e uno stile di vita sano sono importanti. Tenere fuori dalla portata dei bambini al di sotto dei tre anni. Non utilizzare in gravidanza e nei bambini, o comunque per periodi prolungati, senza sentire il parere del medico.Conservare in luogo fresco e asciutto. Evitare l’esposizione a fonti di calore e a raggi solari.
Böger RH. The pharmacodynamics of L-arginine. Altern Ther Health Med. 2014 May-Jun;20(3):48-54. PMID: 24755570.
Palmer RM. The L-arginine: nitric oxide pathway. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens. 1993 Jan;2(1):122-8. doi: 10.1097/00041552-199301000-00018. PMID: 7522910.
Wu G, Morris SM Jr. Arginine metabolism: nitric oxide and beyond. Biochem J. 1998 Nov 15;336 ( Pt 1)(Pt 1):1-17. doi: 10.1042/bj3360001. PMID: 9806879; PMCID: PMC1219836.
Bansal V, Ochoa JB. Arginine availability, arginase, and the immune response. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2003 Mar;6(2):223-8. doi: 10.1097/00075197-200303000-00012. PMID: 12589193.
Martin S, Desai K. The effects of oral arginine on its metabolic pathways in Sprague-Dawley rats. Br J Nutr. 2020 Jan 28;123(2):135-148. doi: 10.1017/S0007114519002691. Epub 2019 Dec 18. PMID: 31647043.
Dr. Gabriele Trapani
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